Educación Primaria » 1112_EPO_Y6 PLANETS
Educación Primaria

Students in year six have done a diorama about planets of the Solar System.

We have used plasticine, a shoe box, sand, tempera, watercolor, gravel, toothsticks, coloured chalk and crayons.

First, we cut one side of the shoe box. Then, we tried to reproduce, at the bottom side, the planet´s  or satellite´s  soil we have chose.

For example, if  we were working on Mars, we used  red plasticine or sand and little stones or we imitated the Olimpus Mons or the Marineris Valley.

Some people tried to imitate the craters and the grey-ash  “seas” .

After that, we painted the lateral sides with the colour of the sky at that planet or moon: in Mars, pink, and in the Moon, black, for example.

Then, we decorated the outside of the box and we looked for information about the planet or moon and we pasted it on one side of the box.

Finally, some of us have installed a light.

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Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 5