Galería Fotográfica » 1213_Y5_EXPERIMENT
Galería Fotográfica

How to plan an experiment:

1st : Question! What do you want to find out? What will you do to find this?

2nd : Equipment! What will you need? Materials!

3rd : Method! What will you do? First, then, next, finally...

4th : Prediction! What do you think will happen? I think...

5th : Results! What happened? Record the results.

6th : My prediction! Was my prediction right?

7th : Conclusion! Why did this happen? Apply your knowledge to explain what happened.



This is the experiment that Y5 A and B carried out when we worked on matter:

1st Question: Can we change the density of water?

2nd Equipment: 

P water

P two transparent glasses

P some salt

P two eggs

P one spoon

3rd Method:

P First, pour some water into each glass (half of it).

P Add some salt in one glass.

P Mark this glass with an “S”

P Put one egg in each glass.

P Watch what happens.

4th Our predictions:

The egg in salted water will crack.

Both eggs will sink.

The egg in salted water will float.

The egg in salted water will become bigger.

5th Results:

The egg in ordinary water sinks.

The egg in salted water floats.

6th Most of our predictions were wrong.

7th Conclusions:

If an object has more density than water, it will sink.

Adding salt to water increases its density. So, it enables the egg to float.

For the same reason, we float much better in the sea than in a swimming-pool.


Try yourself now!

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