Galería Fotográfica » 14_15_Y5_Ants Experiment
Galería Fotográfica
How to carry out an experiment - Ants experiment by Y5

A basic experiment starts with a question, something you would like to find out.

Think about the equipment you will need.

Then, explain how you are going to do it, step by step.

After, make a prediction about what you think it’s going to happen.

Next, take note of the results, were your predictions right?

Finally, explain why it happened and reach your own conclusions.

Remember to add pictures, diagrams and tables to your exploring sheet.


Have a look at the one we performed!

You will see our notes full of creativity and photos of us carrying it out.

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Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 5