Enlaces Institucionales
Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 5
Galería Fotográfica » 14_15_e-Twinning
Galería Fotográfica
e-Twinning 2014-2015

Last September we set up an e-Twinning project with a Polish school in Racibórz. We had already met our Polish friends thanks to our last Comenius project and we really wanted to keep in touch.

The name of our e-Twinning project is “Pen friends across Europe”. We have organised different tasks to carry out throughout this school year. We have established some pen pals too who with we are exchanging our tasks.

We are sharing each of our tasks with you!

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 0: Our friends

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 1: Our all about me minibooks

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 1: Their all about me letters

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 2: Our Xmas cards

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 2: Their Xmas cards

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 3: Our lapbooks

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 3: Their town's letters

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 4: Our Easter cards

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 4: Their Easter cards

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 5: Our Summer plans

BOTÓN GIF_A Task 5: Their Summer Plans

BOTÓN GIF_A End the project

Our friends:


Task 1: Our all about me minibooks

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 1: Their all about me letters

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 2: Our Xmas cards

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 2: Their Xmas cards

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 3: Our lapbooks

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 3: Their town's letters

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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 Task 4: Our Easter cards

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 4: Their Easter cards

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 5: Our Summer Plans

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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Task 5: Their Summer Plans

view photos on tablets and smartphones

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The project came to an end! We'd like to share the final display with you. 

It's been a very interesting and motivating project. Children were eager to receive their Polish friend's letter and to hear ​from them throughout the academic year. They enjoyed learning about their likes and dislikes, about how children celebrate Christmas and Easter, about what they town looks like and how they spend their summer holiday. In return, Tello Téllez children tried their best to send nice formats to tell about their own experience.

To finish the project, they have exchanged their e-mail accounts to keep in contact.


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arco iris
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e-Twinning  Racibórz 
e-Twinning  Racibórz 
e-Twinning  Racibórz 
e-Twinning Racibórz 
e-Twinning Racibórz 
Enlaces Institucionales
Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 5